Monday, May 9, 2011

New Legendary Stick

As I'm sure everyone is aware the new legendary for the Cataclysm expansion has been named and it is an offensive based staff.  Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest

The blue posts have stated that it would have an offensive based proc. This left me wondering what could it be?  Hopefully not another mastery joke but I would hardly define that as offensive since I know at least holy priests benefit nicely from mastery. 

Of course for shadow priests stat priority is roughly Int > Haste > Crit >= Mastery, Hit.  Before I'm flamed I am aware that crit is slightly better than mastery and both better than hit, but these values also vary with your overall item level. For more information seek out

I am sure the current information released on shadow T12 2-piece / 4-piece bonus will undoubtedly change five times or more before 4.2 is released.  As it stands the 2 piece bonus is fairy huge in my opinion coupled with Sin and Punishment.  I would even dare to say over powered.  One thing for sure is with the current 2-piece bonus of Tier 12 shadow priests should have no problem with mana as many heroic fights now give.

So to end this rant of futility I'm hoping for some type of massive buff to dots, haste or even crit for the offensive proc of Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest.

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