Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 14 - This Upsets You

#1 Paying For Something That Doesn't/Won't Work

Nothing exists that makes me more mad than feeling like money is wasted because the thing won't work.  It doesn't matter what it is.  This is also one of the few things that can cause me to loose my temper.  Ask my wife (sorry Mel!)  This usually applies to computer related things or equipment that I have to use around the house - mowers, weed trimmers etc.

#2 People That Are Just Plain Stupid

What can I say?  There's no pill for this, but I can only handle so much of people being stupid or just not caring.  Sample drivers at work, people in public, or people in MMOs it doesn't matter.

#3  85lb white boy in a three+ colored because he wastes his money on crap plastic pieces instead of painting the ones he has with a muffler so big and wrong that he had to cut the rear bumper and already crappy plastic add-a-rice with a hack saw to make it fit driving a Dodge Neon or Chevy Cavalier.  Just stop.

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