Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 20 – If This Was Your Last Day Playing WoW, What Would You Do?

Easiest question in history.  I would cause alliance to "experience an accident" on my enhance shaman.  Shooting people in the face with lighting bolts never gets old.  Would truly be a way to go out with a "Bang!"  I wouldn't give my stuff away or say goodbyes.  I would simply fade into tomorrow with the wind not looking back to see where my wreckage lay.

Day 19 – In Your Bags/Bank

We'll start with a picture of my inventory and bank.
Pretty basic... I don't sort my equipment sets anymore thanks to the in game gear profiles.  I do still sort my enchanting mats, food, potions, flavor items, and engineering mats & toys.  I could go through and manual force things to sort that for some reason don't pick up. Namely sandbox tigers and frost grenades but yeah.

I'm not looking forward to providing a place for old keys after 4.2 but such is WoW.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 18 – Your Favorite Outfit

My favorite outfit(s) are any of the ones provided by various illusion buffs.  Such as the Zandalari medal, the blood elf one, or the deviate delight ones.  I've never been one to collect fishing clothes or older sets of gear but if I had to any of the pre Tier 9 priest sets are equally awesome.  From Tier 9 till now they all look pretty crappy imo.

Day 17 - Your Favorite Spot (In Game or Out)

In game my favorite spot anywhere/anytime I hit that perfect rotation of damage applied to all the targets of the encounter at 98% or higher uptime on 3+ mobs.  Dunno if that makes sense to anyone but there are just those certain times when you are "in the zone" where everything goes off with precision.

Outside of the game I enjoy anywhere with my wife.  Especially when we are at a concert or movie together.

Day 16 - Things You Miss (Post Cataclysm)

Well I just noticed that the last few days of blogs that I posted didn't actually post so I will try to repeat these as best as I remember.

First of all I miss the healing of vampiric embrace.  I know every class had their self healing nerfed for the nature of Cataclysm gear and stats but it has went from cushion group healing to negligible healing.

Second I miss being able to cure disease in shadow form and now being able to cure anyone else but myself.

The most recent change I'm going to miss is our power of multi dotting if the most recent ptr changes go through on our damage. Still unclear on this as plague can't be multi dotted but as usual shadow dps is cyclical.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 15 - Your Dekstop Background (On Your Computer) and Why You Chose It

This is my current desktop.  Not much to see here.  Another widescreen display from digital blasphemy.  I choose displays from this site to promote the creators art and I enjoy every one he has made. I'd like to setup some kind of display mod like JM uses but currently I'm just too lazy.  I have always been a fan very minimal things on the desktop.  One of my biggest peeves are peoples' computers with 300 icons on it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 14 - This Upsets You

#1 Paying For Something That Doesn't/Won't Work

Nothing exists that makes me more mad than feeling like money is wasted because the thing won't work.  It doesn't matter what it is.  This is also one of the few things that can cause me to loose my temper.  Ask my wife (sorry Mel!)  This usually applies to computer related things or equipment that I have to use around the house - mowers, weed trimmers etc.

#2 People That Are Just Plain Stupid

What can I say?  There's no pill for this, but I can only handle so much of people being stupid or just not caring.  Sample drivers at work, people in public, or people in MMOs it doesn't matter.

#3  85lb white boy in a three+ colored because he wastes his money on crap plastic pieces instead of painting the ones he has with a muffler so big and wrong that he had to cut the rear bumper and already crappy plastic add-a-rice with a hack saw to make it fit driving a Dodge Neon or Chevy Cavalier.  Just stop.